Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Predicción temporada huracanes 2019 y cómo informarse

Prediccià ³n temporada huracanes 2019 y cà ³mo informarse Segà ºn las à ºltimas predicciones, la temporada de huracanes de 2019 para la cuenca Atlntica tendr un nà ºmero de tormentas tropicales y huracanes considerado normal. Puntos clave: huracanes 2019 en la cuenca Atlntica La temporada de huracanes corre del 1 de junio al 30 de noviembre.En 2019 se esperan al menos tres huracanes de categorà ­a 3 o superior.Telà ©fono de FEMA: 800–621–3362.En algunos casos, es posible recuperar el dinero de vacaciones canceladas por un huracn. En 2019, se esperan 12 tormentas tropicales con vientos superiores a 39 millas por hora y cinco huracanes, de los cuales tres podrà ­an alanzar las 111 millas por hora y, por lo tanto, superar el nivel 3 en la escala Saffir–Simpson. Esas son las à ºltimas predicciones efectuadas por la Administracià ³n Nacional Ocenica y Atmosfà ©rica (NOAA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), la Universidad de Colorado y el Tropical Storm Risk. Por otra parte, Por otra parte, la Weather Company, propiedad de IBM, y la Universidad de Carolina del Norte estiman que la temporada de huracanes 2019 en el Atlntico ser muy poco ms activa que las predicciones seà ±aladas anteriormente, ya que prevà ©n que habr ms tormentas tropicales y, posiblemente, entre cinco y siete huracanes. Sin embargo, coinciden con las predicciones anteriores al prever solo entre dos o tres los huracanes que superarn el nivel 3. Cules son las zonas de EE.UU. que pueden verse afectadas por un huracn En los Estados Unidos,  los huracanes afectan principalmente a tres reas: Golfo de Mà ©xico: Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi y la costa occidental de FloridaEstados atlnticos sureà ±os:  Florida, Georgia, Carolina del Sur y Carolina del Norte.Caribe, incluyendo el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico y las Islas Và ­rgenes Americanas. Aunque no se puede descartar que afecte duramente a otros estados, por ejemplo, Sandy en 2012, que golpeà ³ duramente al estado de Nueva York. Por otro lado, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en otros paà ­ses,  es muy raro que los huracanes toquen tierra en los estados estadounidenses del Pacà ­fico. Por ejemplo, desde 1900 sà ³lo dos tormentas tropicales tocaron California.   Lo mismo puede decirse del archipià ©lago de Hawaii que no ha registrado ciclones tropicales desde los aà ±os 50. Sin embargo, son mucho ms frecuentes y daà ±inos en Mà ©xico. Cà ³mo estar informado sobre un huracn que se acerca y refugio para indocumentados Si hay una tormenta tropical o un huracn con posibilidad de acercarse a las costas de Estados Unidos es imposible no enterarse, ya que la noticia es seguida detalladamente por todos los medios de comunicacià ³n, tanto en inglà ©s como en espaà ±ol, como por ejemplo en las cadenas de televisià ³n Telemundo y Televisa. Para informacià ³n sobre quà © hacer, un buen lugar es la pgina web de la Cruz Roja americana. Tambià ©n  la pgina oficial del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos ready.gov, para obtener datos sobre cà ³mo prepararse y la Agencia Federal de Manejo de Emergencias, tambià ©n conocida por las siglas de FEMA y que tiene informacià ³n en espaà ±ol. En los à ºltimos aà ±os se ha producido una gran controversia sobre si era seguro para los migrantes indocumentados solicitar ayuda en bancos de alimentos y refugiarse en albergues  en situaciones de desastre natural producido por un huracn. Tanto ICE como la Patrulla Fronteriza ,hasta el momento, han declarado que no harà ­an detenciones en esos lugares, si bien conviene informarse a travà ©s de medios confiables. La mayorà ­a de refugios no dependen de ningà ºn tipo de gobierno, ni del federal, ni del estatal ni de la municipalidad. Y en refugios administrados por comunidades locales, la Cruz Roja, iglesias, etc no pregunta a ninguna persona por estatus migratorio. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que los retenes de control de estatus migratorio sà ­ pueden estar abiertos e ICE ha advertido en los à ºltimos aà ±os que puede arrestar a migrantes indocumentados detectados en dichos controles.  ¿Quà © hacer si se tienen planeadas las vacaciones en à ©poca de huracanes? Si el lugar planeado para las vacaciones se encuentra en una zona afectada por huracanes, es recomendable reservar en un hotel con garantà ­a  de reintegrar el dinero en caso de huracn categorà ­a 1 o superior. Como por ejemplo en la cadena Starwood Hotels Resorts que incluye marcas conocidas como Aloft, Le Meridien, Sheraton, St. Regis, W y Westin. Comprar un seguro de viaje  que cubra esta posibilidad. Sà ³lo se reintegrar la cantidad asegurada. Como regla general se requiere que se compre  al menos 24 horas  antes de que se asigne nombre a una tormenta tropical. Nombres de tormentas tropicales y huracanes temporada 2019 La Organizacià ³n Metereolà ³gica Mundial es la encargada de dar nombre a las tormentas tropicales y huracanes, alternando nombres de varà ³n y de mujer. Para la temporada de 2019 que comienza oficialmente el 1 de junio y se extiende al 30 de noviembre, los nombres adjudicados son los siguientes: ​​AndreaBarryChantalDorianErinFernandGabrielleHumbertoImeldaJerryKarenLorenzoMelissaNestorOlgaPabloRebekahSebastienTanyaVanWendy Los huracanes ms mortales  en la historia de los Estados Unidos Estos son los cinco huracanes que se consideran que han  sido los ms mortales en EE.UU.: En primer lugar, el huracn de Galveston, Texas, de 1900, que dejà ³ entre 8.000 y 12.000 muertos. El segundo lugar, lo ocuparà ­a el huracn Marà ­a, que golpeà ³ duramente Puerto Rico en 2017. Segà ºn un estudio de la Universidad de Harvard, el nà ºmero de fallecidos directa e indirectamente asciende a 4645, a pesar de que el nà ºmero oficial y directo es de 64 và ­ctimas mortales. El tercer huracn que causà ³ ms muertes es el Okeechobee, tambià ©n conocido como San Felipe Segundo, que dejà ³ 2.500 fallecidos en Puerto Rico y Florida. El cuarto lugar lo ocupan los huracanes de la temporada de 1893. El sexto, que golpeà ³ Savannah, Georgia, y dejà ³ 2.000 fallecidos. Finalmente, el huracn Katrina en  2005 dejà ³ 1.500 muertos.. Aunque cuando tocà ³ tierra en Louisiana ya era categorà ­a 3, lo cierto es que su daà ±o fue causado no tanto por la fortaleza del viento sino por la gran extensià ³n afectada por vientos fuertes continuos. El gran desastre se produjo cuando se rompieron los diques en el rà ­o Mississippi y el 80 por ciento de la ciudad de Nueva Orlens se inundà ³, quedando sumergida en algunos puntos. Huracanes ms costosos en historia de Estados Unidos Los cinco huracanes ms costosos son los siguientes: Harvey, que golpeà ³ Texas en 2017: 125 mil millones de dà ³lares  Katrina, que tocà ³ tierra en Louisiana en 2005: 100 mil millones de dà ³laresMarà ­a, que arrasà ³ Puerto Rico en 2017: 90 mil millones de dà ³laresSandy, que afectà ³ en 2012 a 24 estados y golpeà ³ duramente Nueva York: 70 mil millones de dà ³laresIrma, que causà ³ daà ±o en 2017 en Islas Và ­rgenes Americanas, Puerto Rico y Florida: 50 mil millones de dà ³lares. De los cinco huracanes ms daà ±inos desde el punto de vista econà ³mico, tres se produjeron en 2017. Para estar informado a la à ºltima en predicciones sobre la temporada de huracanes, se puede consultar la pgina oficial en espaà ±ol del tiempo y customizarla segà ºn el lugar en el que se reside o al que se planea viajar. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Differences Between Semantics and General Semantics

Differences Between Semantics and General Semantics General semantics is a discipline and/or methodology intended to improve the ways people interact with their environment and with one another, especially through training in the critical use of words and other symbols. The term general semantics was  introduced by Alfred Korzybski in the book  Science and Sanity  (1933). In his Handbook of Semiotics (1995),  Winfried Nà ¶th observes that General Semantics is based on the assumption that historical languages are only inadequate tools for the cognition of reality, are misleading in verbal communication, and may have negative effects on our nervous systems. Semantics vs. General Semantics According to Kodish and Kodish General semantics provides a general theory of evaluation. We can consider what we mean when we refer to this system by comparing it with semantics as people usually use the term. Semantics involves the study of language meanings. For example, when were interested in the word unicorn, what dictionaries say it means and its history of meanings, and what it might refer to, we are involved in semantics. General semantics involves such language concerns, but also involves much broader issues. Using general semantics, were concerned with understanding how we evaluate, with the inner life of each individual, with how each of us experiences and makes sense of our experiences, with how we use language and how language uses us. While were interested in what the word unicorn refers to and how a dictionary might define it, we have more interest in the person using the word, with the kind of evaluating that might lead people to look for unicorns in their back yards. Do they think that they have found some? Do they re-evaluate their search when they dont find any? Do they investigate how they came to be looking for unicorns? How are they experiencing the search? How do they talk about it? How are they experiencing the process of evaluating what has happened? General semantics involves an interrelated set of elements, which, taken together, can help us answer these and similar questions. (Susan Presby Kodish and Bruce I. Kodish, Drive Yourself Sane: Using the Uncommon Sense of General Semantics, 2nd ed. Extensional Publishing, 2001) Korzybski on General Semantics General Semantics turned out to be an empirical natural science of non-elementalistic evaluation, which takes into account the living individual, not divorcing him from his reactions altogether, nor from his neuro-linguistic and neuro-semantic environments, but allocating him in a plenum of some values, no matter what (Alfred Korzybski, preface to the third edition of Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics, 1947).Alfred Korzybski (1879-1950), the founder of general semantics, maintained that the structural assumptions implicit in language are of necessity reflected in behavior. . . . Korzybski believed that if, through general semantics, people generally could be trained in the orientations of science in the handling of all their problems (instead of just some of them), many social and personal problems now deemed to be insoluble would prove to be soluble. There is a messianic flavor to Korzybskis writingsa fact which led to the dismissa l of his views in some academic circles. (S.I. Hayakawa, The Use and Misuse of Language. Harper Row, 1962)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Group project (costco) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Group project (costco) - Essay Example This aspect includes the function of providing a particular product or a service. The key operations management issues include designing, planning and management of the system. Most of the problems associated with operations management at Costco include setting of the plan layout and structure, methods used in project management, selection and replacement of equipment. Specific operations issues at Costco involve equipment maintenance policies, traffic and material handling, quality control and inspection, inventory management and process scheduling. Some of these problems are associated with system design, system management and planning of the system Technology plays an important role in streamlining an organization’s operations. It increases efficiency, productivity, reduces energy, manufacturing and labor costs, enhances communication, and enables smooth integration of day-to-day activities. Costco has not been left out in using technology in its business operations. The company manages more than 300 warehouses that house brand name merchandise at low costs. In order for Costco to offer high quality products at cheap prices, it had to establish faster communication with thousands of vendors at any given moment. The company could no more tolerate long delays when trying to access common documents such as invoices, debit or credit memos or purchase orders. Prompt access to transaction documents was not available. Costco also stored and processed large volumes of paperwork, which needed to be accessed easily. All these hardships could only be solved with the appropriate technology. The initial solution was offered by Image Source executive team in 1992 (Collier & Evans, 2012). Costco also uses Oracle Imaging and Process Management software for file storage and retrieval. The company has also utilized technology for scanning images and barcode indexing processes. Initially, 50 Costco users scanned

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Discuss the ways the poet develops the character Phoenix. Pay Essay

Discuss the ways the poet develops the character Phoenix. Pay particular attention to the devices the poet uses in character dev - Essay Example Although Phoenix is never discussed in the epic â€Å"Iliad† save for that time when an embassy is sent to Achilles to urge him to fight along with Agamemnon’s armies against the Trojans, his character serves as a brief yet insightful look into the great warrior Achilles’ disposition, not as a warrior this time, but as a human being with a past, a future, and a present. Phoenix’s speech is filled with the Greek â€Å"eleos† or what can be termed in English as â€Å"compassionate grief† --- an emotion that does not go well for a great warrior such as Achilles. Homer shows Phoenix as appealing more towards his father-and-son relationship with Achilles, which is a refreshing characteristic amidst this story filled with greatness and lack of the â€Å"softer† emotions of the great warriors. Phoenix says: â€Å"And I made you what you are --- strong as the gods, Achilles --- / I loved you from the heart† (9.587-8), and â€Å"Oh I ha d my share of troubles for you, Achilles†¦ / great godlike Achilles --- I made you my son, I tried,† (9.595-9).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Flooding in South Africa Essay Example for Free

Flooding in South Africa Essay Most floods take hours or days to develop, giving residents enough time to prepare or evacuate. Others happen quickly and with little warning. These flash floods can be extremely dangerous and cause major damage to the landscape and the habitants of such an area. Disaster specialists have various ways of classifying floods according to their likelihood of occurring and the intensity of the flood. A hundred-year flood, for example, is an extremely large, destructive event that would theoretically be expected to happen only once every century. Heavy rain in a short period of time in the part of South Africa, caused more than hundreds of people to be homeless by heavy flooding. Floods caused many to seek refuge on rooftops and on trees. This catastrophe killed more than hundreds of people causing the death toll to rise. Recently these floods caused evacuation of the Kruger National, a game reserve in Northern South Africa. Floods also covered some farmlands and crops were killed as a result forcing farms to close. Most of the roads, dams and large buildings were damaged. Due to flooding some mines were forced to close, this the case of a coal mines in Limpopo. Floods frequently causes major infrastructure damage of roads, railway lines, electricity supply systems, water supply and sewage disposal systems. Bribges over rivers are particularly exposed to damage and disruption of transportation systems follows. The economic effects of flooding are often greater than the flood itself. (Parker 2000) According to Parker (2000) be cause floods frequently destroy crops and livestock, food shortages are not uncommon in the aftermath. Floods may affect food availability in a number of ways. Food stocks may be damaged if storage areas are flooded. Serious flooding usually disrupts transportation of food deficit areas, particularly in towns, which are cut off from supply sources and have inadequate food stock. Impacts of flooding may hinder the economic growth and development that is the high cost of relief and recovery may adversely impact investment in infrastructure and other development activities in the area and in certain cases may cripple the frail economy of the of the region. Recurrent flooding in a region may discourage long-term investments by the government and private sector alike. Lack of livehoods, combined with migration of skilled labour and inflation may have a negative impact on a region’s economic growth. Loss of resource can lead to high costs of goods and services, delaying its development programmes. (Drep operation international federation of Red Cross and crescent societies). Figure 2 three kid were during floods in Limpopo As discussed under various perspectives, it is clear from the assignment that floods had adverse impact on the socio-economic status of livehoods for people in South Africa more especially the residents of Limpopo. It is also evident that there are varying underlying causes of floods i South Africa. Places near the flood event are the most susceptible to the dangers of the floods. Proximity of these places and poverty were identified as being the main cause of vulnerability of people

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Stress :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1.0 Introduction Throughout the eighties and into the nineties, work stress have continued to rise dramatically in organisations across North America. The eighties saw employees stressing out from working in a rapidly growing economy. During the nineties, beginning from the recession of 1992 till present day, employees are stressed by their own job insecurities in the face of massive downsizing and restructuring of organisations in order to be competitive on the global stage. Work stress is a very extensive topic ranging from research on the sources of stress, the effects of stress, to ways on managing and reducing stress. This report will focus first on the evidence for the harmful effects of stress at work, both mentally and physically. The last section will briefly explain why management should be concerned with rising employee stress and will describe some actions management can take to alleviate work stress. 2.0 Harmful Effects of Stress Most research studies indicate a high correlation between stress and illness. According to authorities in the United States and Great Britain, as much as 70% of patients that are treated by general practitioners are suffering from symptoms originating from stress . Everyone experiences stress, however, each person responds to stress very differently. Their response is dependent on how each person reacts to stress emotionally, mentally, and physically. There are, however, common effects of stress for most people on the physical and mental body. 2.1 Physical Effects The researcher Blyth in 1973 identified a list of diseases which have a fairly high causal relationships with stress. The World Health Organisation and consultations with the J.R. Geigy Pharmaceutical Company obtained his evidence through interviews with medical experts, review of reports. The following is a list of some of the illnesses Blyth had identified : 1. Hypertension2. Coronary thrombosis3. Hay fever and other allergies4. Migraine headaches5. Intense itching6. Asthma7. Peptic ulcers8. Constipation 9. Rheumatoid arthritis10. Colitis11. Menstrual difficulties12. Nervous dyspepsia 13. Overactive thyroid gland14. Skin disorders15. Diabetes mellitus16. Tuberculosis Research conducted by Woolfolk and Richardson in 1978 further confirmed Blyth’s list that hypertension, coronary disease, infections, and ulcers are highly related to the amount of prolonged stress an employee is subjected to. Evidence for a causal relationship between hypertension and stress was seen in a study of air traffic controllers. The work stress is enormous for this occupation due to the high responsibility for the safety of others that people is this field must bear.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Plavix Case Study

Patent Games: Plavix Case Study Columbia Southern University Abstract This case study illustrates the conflict between patent protection and preserving a pure competitive market. Pharmaceutical companies are granted patent rights to newly developed drugs for a limited amount of time. Through legal means they are able to form monopolies and maximize their profits. a parent company can move to delay the release of its generic comparison through legal and illegal measures. In the following case Bristol-Myers Squibb fell victim to their own anti-competitive practices. Why did Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis seek a settlement?Apotex had was near the conclusion of the government mandated 30 month stay brought on by Bristol-Myers Squibb to delay them from releasing their generic form of Plavix(Chen, 2011). Bristol-Myers Squibb chose to settle rather than litigate for fear of likely losing any patent litigation. Buying out Apotex which was the only other producer of the drug would pr eserve their monopoly and profit margin. Bristol-Myers Squibb had already had a long history of manipulative practices and had delayed other drugs from entering the market in a similar manner, excessive 30 month stays (FTC, 2003).They had been taking advantage of a loophole in the Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations system known as the Orange Book (FTC, 2003). Litigation would bring further attention to the practices within the pharmaceutical industry and encourage government intervention. Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis prevents Apotex from launching generic drug. Pharmaceutical companies are well within their rights to push for extensions on their patents (Baron, 2010). Bristol-Myers Squibb however did not take a legal approach to this.They should not have attempted to pay Apotex 40-60 million dollars to prevent them from launching their generic drug. The Federal Trade Commission must approve of any such agreement to ensure that it does not violate anti-trust laws. Their a ttempted agreement was collusion. Their attempt to limit the production of Apotex was illegal and therefore rejected by governing bodies. Sherman’s strategy Bristol-Myers Squibb’s deceptive practices were likely to catch up to them. This occurred when they crossed paths with Sherman who led Apotex at the time.After everything settled Sherman acknowledged in an interview that he knew the FTC would reject the proposed agreements made by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi. He also recognized that their spokesman didn’t realize his offer would cause adverse action against Bristol-Myers Squibb (Baron, 2010). He played to their ignorance and entered the agreement. There is no direct answer to the ethics of Sherman’s strategy. He did not actively participate or even condone Brisol-Myers Squibb’s collusion; in fact he knew the agreement would be rejected.There is no way of truly knowing whether Sherman acted with malice when implementing his strategy. Should the FTC and the state attorneys general have rejected the agreements? The FTC and state attorney was right in rejecting Brisol-Myers Squibb’s proposed agreements on the grounds that it is an anti-competitive practice. The second agreement would have been rejected as well provided Bristol-Myers Squibb was completely honest with the FTC. Upon submission of the second agreement to the department of justice they affirmed under oath that all agreements were as listed on the document with no side arrangements (Chen, 2011).After the initiation of an investigation conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigations Bristol-Myers Squibb plead guilty to two counts of fraud. Did Bristol-Myers Squibb likely violate the deferred prosecution agreement? Bristol-Myers Squib’s board of directors were not going to allow their organization to violate the deferred prosecution agreement. A corporation in its position must remain clean and ethical to rebuild especially while under the supervi sion of government assigned federal monitor Frederick Lacy. The firing of CEO Peter Dolan was a sign that Bristol-Myers Squibb was trying to recover.References Baron, D. P. (2010). Business and its environment (6th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Chen, Q. (2011). Destroying A Pharmaceutical Patent for Saving Lives: A Case Study of Sanofi- Synthelabo V. Apotex, Inc. Albany Law Journal. Retrieved from http://www. albanylawjournal. org/articles/chen_3. pdf Federal Trade Commission. (2003). FTC Charges Bristol-Myers Squibb with Pattern of Abusing Government Processes to Stifle Generic Drug Competition. Retrieved from http://www. ftc. gov/opa/2003/03/bms. shtm Plavix Case Study Patent Games: Plavix Case Study Columbia Southern University Abstract This case study illustrates the conflict between patent protection and preserving a pure competitive market. Pharmaceutical companies are granted patent rights to newly developed drugs for a limited amount of time. Through legal means they are able to form monopolies and maximize their profits. a parent company can move to delay the release of its generic comparison through legal and illegal measures. In the following case Bristol-Myers Squibb fell victim to their own anti-competitive practices. Why did Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis seek a settlement?Apotex had was near the conclusion of the government mandated 30 month stay brought on by Bristol-Myers Squibb to delay them from releasing their generic form of Plavix(Chen, 2011). Bristol-Myers Squibb chose to settle rather than litigate for fear of likely losing any patent litigation. Buying out Apotex which was the only other producer of the drug would pr eserve their monopoly and profit margin. Bristol-Myers Squibb had already had a long history of manipulative practices and had delayed other drugs from entering the market in a similar manner, excessive 30 month stays (FTC, 2003).They had been taking advantage of a loophole in the Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations system known as the Orange Book (FTC, 2003). Litigation would bring further attention to the practices within the pharmaceutical industry and encourage government intervention. Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis prevents Apotex from launching generic drug. Pharmaceutical companies are well within their rights to push for extensions on their patents (Baron, 2010). Bristol-Myers Squibb however did not take a legal approach to this.They should not have attempted to pay Apotex 40-60 million dollars to prevent them from launching their generic drug. The Federal Trade Commission must approve of any such agreement to ensure that it does not violate anti-trust laws. Their a ttempted agreement was collusion. Their attempt to limit the production of Apotex was illegal and therefore rejected by governing bodies. Sherman’s strategy Bristol-Myers Squibb’s deceptive practices were likely to catch up to them. This occurred when they crossed paths with Sherman who led Apotex at the time.After everything settled Sherman acknowledged in an interview that he knew the FTC would reject the proposed agreements made by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sanofi. He also recognized that their spokesman didn’t realize his offer would cause adverse action against Bristol-Myers Squibb (Baron, 2010). He played to their ignorance and entered the agreement. There is no direct answer to the ethics of Sherman’s strategy. He did not actively participate or even condone Brisol-Myers Squibb’s collusion; in fact he knew the agreement would be rejected.There is no way of truly knowing whether Sherman acted with malice when implementing his strategy. Should the FTC and the state attorneys general have rejected the agreements? The FTC and state attorney was right in rejecting Brisol-Myers Squibb’s proposed agreements on the grounds that it is an anti-competitive practice. The second agreement would have been rejected as well provided Bristol-Myers Squibb was completely honest with the FTC. Upon submission of the second agreement to the department of justice they affirmed under oath that all agreements were as listed on the document with no side arrangements (Chen, 2011).After the initiation of an investigation conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigations Bristol-Myers Squibb plead guilty to two counts of fraud. Did Bristol-Myers Squibb likely violate the deferred prosecution agreement? Bristol-Myers Squib’s board of directors were not going to allow their organization to violate the deferred prosecution agreement. A corporation in its position must remain clean and ethical to rebuild especially while under the supervi sion of government assigned federal monitor Frederick Lacy. The firing of CEO Peter Dolan was a sign that Bristol-Myers Squibb was trying to recover.References Baron, D. P. (2010). Business and its environment (6th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Chen, Q. (2011). Destroying A Pharmaceutical Patent for Saving Lives: A Case Study of Sanofi- Synthelabo V. Apotex, Inc. Albany Law Journal. Retrieved from http://www. albanylawjournal. org/articles/chen_3. pdf Federal Trade Commission. (2003). FTC Charges Bristol-Myers Squibb with Pattern of Abusing Government Processes to Stifle Generic Drug Competition. Retrieved from http://www. ftc. gov/opa/2003/03/bms. shtm

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Tom from Canada vs Hoshi from Japan

Culture affects every aspect of a human life. It is also very important while making a managerial decision. The case presented in chapter 5 proves that being born in the Western or Japanese culture determines a lot our attitude to decision-making with all its consequences. According to the information included in the case, Tom is a Canadian manager, who makes decision on his own, without consulting in with his team. He presents very individualistic attitude. It is completely different as far as we consider Hoshi’s way of making decisions.He, on the other hand, spent a lot of time convincing people working with him to agree to the new inventory-control system. Hoshi is a collectivist-manager. Another significant difference between the two managers is that Tom was task-oriented and counted for a quick and positive result of his decision, for an achievement and maybe a promotion, without taking into consideration implications that it might have on his employees. Unlike the Canadi an manager, Hoshi paid more attention to the fact how his co-workers will get used to working with the new system.Joint decision making in the Japanese subsidiary had a severe implications for the performance. Unfortunately, it also turned out that just informing subordinates is not effective either. Each of the managers driven by attitudes characteristic of their cultural scripts and they did what they thought was the best for their subsidiaries. However, what would work best is a mix of these two. Tom and Hoshi would get better results if their had found a middle solution before making the final decision and introducing the new system.Tom should not have done the task rush. After being informed, employees were surprised and not really convinced about the idea. This fact should have already attract the manager’s attention so that he hires a coach just in the beginning. If the Tom’s behaviour was any more collectivist, perhaps he would not trust only his own knowledge but would also ask other competent people of his subsidiary on their opinion. Furthermore, Tom did not care enough about his team, he did not really notice the moment just before key employees handed in their resignations.As a result, as being too sure of the fact that what he does is right, he could not react properly while it was essential. Rational decision-making cannot be successful as long as we do not include the indispensable human factor. In my opinion, Hoshi’s biggest mistake was waiting for the consensus. It is obvious that the Japanese culture is much more collectivist that the Western one, nevertheless the role of the manager should always be the same – taking care of his/her subordinates on one hand and making final decisions in the right time on the other.Having consensus as a priority, Hoshi forgot about the task to do and he did not realize when the change was really important for the further operating of the subsidiary. He should have been the person, who despite discussion and egalitarism, regarding people’s and company’s needs do his job. Moreover, he should have also met Mr. Bortolo expectations, it means introducing the system in the reasonable time. The CEO of the company understood characteristics and culture differences and gave the managers choice.But it seems to me that Hoshi overstrained the possibility given and it led him to a failure. To sum up, both managers made some mistakes caused by their cultural scripts. Rush decision making as well as really slow decision making resulted in huge losses for the subsidiaries and for the company as a whole. If Tom and Hoshi exchanged their views, attitudes before and mix them, learnt something from each other, they could be both successful and satisfied with the results they could present.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Dependent Variable Definition and Examples

Dependent Variable Definition and Examples A dependent variable is the variable being tested in a scientific experiment. The dependent variable is dependent on the independent variable. As the experimenter changes the independent variable, the change in the dependent variable is observed and recorded. When you take data in an experiment, the dependent variable is the one being measured. Common Misspellings: dependant variable Dependent Variable Examples A scientist is testing the effect of light and dark on the behavior of moths by turning a light on and off. The independent variable is the amount of light and the moths reaction is the dependent variable.  A change in the independent variable (amount of light) directly causes a change in the dependent variable (moth behavior).You are interested in learning which kind of chicken produces the largest eggs. The size of the eggs depends on the breed of chicken, so breed is the independent variable and egg size is the dependent variable.You want to know whether or not stress affects heart rate. Your independent variable is the stress, while the dependent variable would be the heart rate. To perform an experiment, you would provide stress and measure the subjects heartbeat. Note in a good experiment, youd want to choose a stress you could control and quantify. Your choice could lead you to perform additional experiments since it might turn out the change in heart rate after exposure to a decrease in temperature 40 degrees (physical stress) might be different from the heart rate after failing a test (psychological stress). Even though your independent variable might be a number that you measure, its one you control, so its not dependent. Distinguishing Between Dependent and Independent Variables Sometimes its easy to tell the two types of variables apart, but if you get confused, here are tips to help keep them straight: If you change one variable, which is affected? If youre studying the rate of growth of plants using different fertilizers, can you identify the variables? Start by thinking about what you are controlling and what you will be measuring. The type of fertilizer is the independent variable. The rate of growth is the dependent variable. So, to perform an experiment, you would fertilize plants with one fertilizer and measure the change in height of the plant over time, then switch fertilizers and measure the height of plants over the same span of time. You might be tempted to identify time or height as your variable, not the rate of growth (distance per time). It may help to look at your hypothesis or purpose to remember your goal.Write out your variables as a sentence stating cause and effect. The (independent variable) causes a change in the (dependent variable). Usually, the sentence wont make sense if you get them wrong. For example:(Taking vitamins) affects the numbers of (birth defec ts). makes sense(Birth defects) affects the number of (vitamins). probably not so much Graphing the Dependent Variable When you graph data, the independent variable is on the x-axis, while the dependent variable is on the y-axis. You can use the DRY MIX acronym to remember this: D - dependent variableR - responds to changeY - Y-axis M - manipulated variable (one you change)I - independent variableX - X-axis

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

7 Harsh Reasons You Haven’t Gotten A Raise

7 Harsh Reasons You Haven’t Gotten A Raise You’ve been loyal, put in the time, done your best work, kissed the appropriate amount of derriere. Why, then, you ask, have you yet to get that raise or get promoted? Your last performance review doesn’t show any reasons why you shouldn’t be moving up the ladder. You work hard and you deserve it? Right! Well, maybe. But there are several reasons why you might not be getting the nod. Take a quick step back from the situation and see whether any of these possible impediments apply to you before freaking out or destroying the office printer with a baseball bat.1. You didn’t ask.This seems obvious, but it’s probably the number one reason people don’t get promoted or don’t get the extra pay they’re sure they deserve. It might feel uncomfortable to do it, but you have to make your needs known. If you don’t ask outright, your company is unlikely to just offer you extra money or a rung up the ladder. Arm yourself with some examp les of your demonstrated value to the company, take a deep breath, and make your request.2. You weren’t properly prepared.Or maybe you did ask, but didn’t come in armed and prepared to defend yourself with evidence and a proper request. If you can’t list your accomplishments and prove your value to your boss, she’s not likely to agree to give you more. Bottom line: be prepared with statistics about your field and examples of your own accomplishments.3. You’re not enough of a team player.You may be killing it as far as your responsibilities go, but are you reaching out and making it about the team and not just yourself? Your performance itself might be stellar, but you could easily lose out on a promotion because you’re only doing your job well, and not thinking enough about the team.4. You made it personal.Instead of focusing on and honing the argument for why you really deserve this raise based on your work, you made it about personal reaso ns. Next time you ask, think about step #2 and go in with a slew of facts and figures to support your request. Show off your accomplishments, pull out market research. Really dazzle.5. Your value stagnated.You might be crazy valuable, but if your value isn’t steadily improving with time, that still counts as not being valuable enough for that raise or promotion. Try taking a class or getting a new certification or skill and trying again. Expand your range and responsibilities so you can demonstrate the curve of your efforts.6. Your company is strapped.It might not be you at all. It could be office politics (in which case, learn to play that game ASAP) or it could be that your company just plain can’t afford it. Or perhaps your manager doesn’t have the bandwidth to advocate for you.If there is company dysfunction afoot, there are things you can fix and things you can’t. Try to figure out what your future prospects might be at this company. Talk to your bos s. If you’re going to stagnate for years, maybe start looking around for other, higher paying opportunities elsewhere. Make sure you’re being appreciated!7. You don’t deserve it.There’s always the risk that your perceptions of your own performance and value are just a little bit different from how others perceive you or the reality of the situation. In this case, try to systematize your value and see what you find out. Compare yourself across the industry, against your colleagues. Outline your accomplishments, then look them over with a cynical eye. Would you promote you? If the answer is no, make sure you get to work changing that answer.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Wal-mart's Philanthropic Efforts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wal-mart's Philanthropic Efforts - Essay Example For example, a smart buyer who would want to buy more out of her single dollar can actually meet this need at Wal-mart. It has got all, if not many, for every customer who would want to find more value for their money in today’s highly challenging economy. The main objective of this paper is to examine the philanthropic efforts of Wal-mart and how they are strategically aligned with its core competencies. Wal-mart emphasizes two important philanthropic points in its mission. Save people money There are many ways how an individual can save his or her money. However, Wal-mart emphasizes that each consumer can save their money with its various product and service offerings. For Wal-mart, saving money is associated with a low-priced product. Common sense suggests that money could substantially buy more if the products’ prices are remarkably low. In line with this, Wal-mart ensures that people can still attend to their other priorities by providing or offering those products that of substantial lower prices. For example, a particular consumer who is in a budget requires products that are substantially low in price so that there may still be left for other spending. This means that a one-kilo sugar needs not be too expensive so that there is still a way to buy coffee, milk, and others. However, Wal-mart also emphasizes that saving money is also associated with providing the best quality that customers can rely on. It ensures that customers can really make out the best of its offerings. This means that customers will still enjoy fresh and healthy fruits such as oranges, apples and others. Providing quality to each of its product offering would mean a lot to its consumers, so Wal-mart sees to it that by providing a higher quality it does not only entices people but build up trust among them. So here are the most important points of saving people money, it basically builds up the trust of consumers towards Wal-mart’s product and service offerings. T his in return is strongly aligned with its core competencies (Wal-mart, 2011; Wal-mart, 2010; Wal-mart, 2009; Wal-mart, 2008). Living better To live a better life is another good promise of Wal-mart for its consumers. This is just the result of providing the best and competitive prices of its products for its customers. Wal-mart ensures that people can receive more, but above this is to allow them save even more. Product chain management Perhaps, one may wonder why Wal-mart can remarkably offer lower prices for its offerings. The answer lies on its product-chain management. For many years, its core competencies are rooted in here. It can offer lower prices for goods and other related products because it substantially cut back expenses that may be passed on to the final price of the product. In order to ensure that the market or retail price of the product is low, its strategy is to provide great effort on its product chain management (Wal-mart, 2011; Wal-mart, 2010; Wal-mart, 2009; Wal-mart, 2008). This is remarkably the root of Wal-mart’s core competencies. If it has to be analyzed, the company does not only look forward to how it can stand a cut above the other in its industry, but its aim is to help people save their money so as they could live a better life. Conclusion It is clear that Wal-mart is significantly trying to be a cut above the other in its industry by cultivating its core competencies through its low-price strategy for its product offer